Thursday, December 17, 2020

Anyone still there?


It has been forever since I posted in here.  

February 26, 2018 to be exact.

Wow!  Time sure does fly, doesn't?

Well, it's time to dust off my keyboard, stretch my fingers and attempt to perform a Lazarus on this blog.  God willing of course. 💓

Stay tuned, I am working on a very much needed post about a COVID protocol that is working for everyone who tries it!!

Sidenote:  I am beyond furious that doctors aren't sharing this protocol with every patient who tests positive or has symptoms of COVID or Influenza.

Get your printer or pen and paper ready!  Everything can be bought online.  

Stay tuned for my post later today and feel free to post any questions or concerns you have.  I am a few years older and a little mouthier than I was before.  I love to discuss and debate topics that most want to stay away from.  

Back in the saddle again with love,

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