For some reason sourdough mesmerizes me. It stumps me. It challenges me. I am not yet obsessed. But I would say I am close. :-)
I tried sourdough a while back with freshly ground rye. The starter looked and smelled wonderful, but the bread, was, well bleck. So, I want to try this adventure again.
Today is day 1 of trying this Sourdough adventure again.
Here is what I have...
1/2 cup reverse osmosis water, room temperature
1/2 cup Organic King Arthur All-Purpose Flour, room temperature
1 quart size glass jar
Mix. Let sit on counter. Cover with cheesecloth or kitchen towel.
Tomorrow, Day 2....Add to the quart glass jar
2 tbsp of reverse osmosis water
2 tbsp of Organic King Arthur All-Purpose Flour (both room temp).
Stir. Cover.
Repeat for 4-6 days until sour, bubbly goodness appears.
I will keep you posted.
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